
STEMI : Anterior wall

An adult pt with a history of HTN came in due to chest pain with radiation to the left arm associated with dyspnea. No nausea or vomiting. VS 140/80 afebrile HR 80’s RR 20 and sat 98% at room air. No JVD, CBS.

Figure 1

ECG showed SR in the 90’s with ST elevations (STE) in V1-V5 (max STE in V2), hyperacute T waves prominent in V2/V3 and ST depressions (STD) in III, aVF and II. QTc is 498 ms.

Intervention revealed occlusion in the left anterior descending (LAD) artery. Stent was then placed.
Maximum troponin was 1.5 and echo showed and EF in the 60’s. Patient was then discharged after a few days.


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